
Achieving Fellowship

Fellowship (FCIMC) is our highest grade of Membership and is awarded as a hallmark of professional standing and achievement in the management profession. It is a recognition of achievements within the profession and a definition of your professional status, not merely a reward for service.

The CIMC Fellowship (FCIMC) is awarded to existing CIMC members who are in good standing. As a Fellow, you will be recognised for your contribution to the financial profession. The Institute encourages Members of at least two years standing to seek Fellowship status.


Fellowship is the CIMC senior grade of professional membership.  In order to qualify for fellowship all applicants must have a minimum of two years’ experience in the field of accounting and be able to demonstrate leadership by encouraging others to achieve their common goals.

How to Apply

The completed application should be returned to the CIMC administrative office via email, FAX or mail.

CIMC Membership Application   

How much does it cost?

See Fee Schedule